We still have 4 puppies left in Reno, NV.
8/20/2021 – Check back soon for updates on our latest litter.
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One thing to note:
We are trying to sort out with Google and our clients the way we do business with whelping Purebred Labrador Retrievers so we can eliminate some confusion. In the warm months, we operate a business in Ontario, Canada that keeps us extremely busy. After we wrap up that operation each year, we usually are in the American Great Plains region for a certain amount of time for hunting etc. If one of our bitches is expecting, we have a few home bases to see that entire process through properly, but Gus and some of our other dogs will likely part ways for a bit to pursue the Upland Hunt with Mike.
Ideally, we would like to list one location as a home base, but we’re always on the move… and so are our dogs! Land, sea, and a lot of airtime – they do it all. We wouldn’t have it any other way, but our female dogs typically whelp in North Reno, Nevada.
By now, we are quite familiar with AKC and laws for pup sales in a handful of states and will always make sure to remain compliant with all sales standards. We are gun dog enthusiasts, not careless breeders. We plan out and see zero to two litters through each year. If we can’t do things correctly or meet people that want to respect the pedigree of our Labrador Retrievers, we simply do not want to continue our pursuits. That being said, we’ve gained an impressive amount of interest over the years. For us, going low and slow really has been the best way to approach extending this bloodline.
We just started accepting deposits and expect the litter to sell very quickly.
Males – $1,600
Females – $1,900