Available For Pickup March 21, 2019
We are very proud to announce that Jane has just whelped 9+ beautiful puppies on January 21st. Jane is at the tail end of birth – there is a good chance that she will have more puppies!
**Update 11pm PST** Jane gave birth to an incredible 11 puppies!
Here is what we have so far:
Four puppies are female
2 Black Female
2 Yellow Females
Eight puppies are male
3 Black Males
4 Yellow Males
The shades of yellow range from very light to a yellow-cinnamon color. It will be interesting get a better look at these coats after Jane’s immediate bonding and cleaning period has finished.
Jane did an amazing job with birthing the puppies. After over ten hours of labor, everyone is glad to take a quick breather, but we’re prepared for the busy and exciting weeks ahead of us!
We are now accepting deposits.
Males – $1,600
Females – $1,800
To see Jane’s AKC pedigree certification, please click the pedigree below.

Jane is pictured here at our upland hunting grounds in Iowa. She was absolutely wonderful during the 2018 hunting season on the Northern USA / Canadian Great Plains.